More than a third of Hamiltonians are under 25 – we're Aotearoa New Zealand’s most youthful city! So it makes sense that we work to make Kirikiriroa a place our rangatahi (young people) love to be.

Youth bring an energy, creativity, and passion that enriches our city and makes it an increasingly desirable place to live, work, and grow for everyone. That is why we listened carefully when young people told us that a new plan, relevant to today, was needed.

Let's chat about our draft Rangatahi Action Plan

Is our draft Rangatahi Action Plan tired or wired?

How did we get here?

How did we get here?

In June 2024, the Council approved the development of a new Rangatahi Action Plan. This builds on the Hamilton Rangatahi Youth Action Plan 2016–2018 and the work of the previous Youth Council, which provided valuable insights into the needs and aspirations of young people in our city. This new draft Rangatahi Action Plan has been created in partnership with the people it seeks to serve – our youth, in all their diversity, capability and dreams.

Engaging with over 1200 rangatahi in person and online, key interest areas quickly emerged.

These aspirations have formed the foundation of this plan.

Curious about what you told us in 2024?

What is Council proposing?

What is Council proposing?

Based on your feedback, Council has established five goals, as ways to create a better Kirikiriroa Hamilton for all young people.

The panels below summarise each goal - click on the panel to read our draft Rangatahi Action Plan and learn more about what goal would entail.

What's the TL;DR?

What's the TL;DR?

A.k.a., "too long; didn't read".