2021-2031 Long-Term Plan Consultation

Closed 7 Apr 2021

Opened 5 Mar 2021


It’s an exciting time for Hamilton Kirikiriroa.

You’ve told us what you want for our great river city and now it’s time to make it happen.

We’ve used your feedback to form our plans for the next 10 years and now we need you to share your voice and shape your city.

With people at the heart of everything we do, our Mayor and Councillors need your feedback before they make their final decisions about the next 10 years. We need to shape our city together.

As always, we love talking to you and hearing what you think abour the future for Hamilton Kirikiriroa.

This feedback will help the Mayor and Councillors confirm the 2021-31 Long-Term Plan which runs from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2031.

We'll be out and about across the city.

Come and chat to us at one of our pop-up events. Check out where we'll be at futurehamilton.co.nz/events