Hamilton City Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw review 2023

Closed 20 Sep 2023

Opened 23 Aug 2023

Feedback updated 23 May 2024

We asked

We asked you for feedback on the review of the Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2012. 

We proposed changes to the bylaw that enable the community to memorialise their loved ones in ways that are culturally appropriate, in an environment that is welcoming and respectful. We also proposed changes to improve the bylaw for accuracy and reflect modern management and cultural practices while maintaining respect for appropriate tikanga (customary practices). 

You said

We received 20 responses. This included 17 from individuals and three from organisations, community groups or businesses.

More respondents agreed with the amendments to the proposal with minor changes (14, 67%), than those who disagreed (5, 24%) with Council’s amendments. One of those who did not answer (due to making an email submission) showed clear support for Council’s proposal.

We did

Your feedback was incorporated into the final draft bylaw.

The Community and Natural Environment Committee approved the final draft and agreed to amend the bylaw. 

The amendments will cpme into force on 10 April 2024.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Hamilton City Council (Council) is seeking feedback on the review of the Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2012 to meet the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002.

The purpose of Hamilton City Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2012 is to set rules to support the management and maintenance of our three cemeteries and crematorium – Hamilton East Cemetery, Hamilton West Cemetery and Hamilton Park Cemetery (Newstead). The Council is seeking feedback on the proposal to make some minor changes to the bylaw.

The proposal includes:

  • changes to make the bylaw more permissive of memorials and tributes that allow for greater cultural expression while retaining an environment that is welcoming and respectful
  • changes to better align natural burials to national best practice
  • changes to align the bylaw with updates in legislation and management practices, or to provide clarity
  • amending outdated references.

A tracked change version of the bylaw providing detail on all proposed changes forms part of this statement of proposal, and can be view under Related heading at the bottom of this page.

Why your views matter

The Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw was first adopted in 2008 and last reviewed in 2012. Council is required by the Local Government Act 2002 to complete this review by July 2024. Regular reviews provide an opportunity for Council to check in with our community on how the Bylaw is working and consider feedback.

On 9 March 2023 Council determined that the bylaw is the most appropriate means of addressing issues relating to the management of cemeteries and crematoria under the control of the Council, under section 155(1) of the Local Government Act.

Why are we proposing these changes?

Council is proposing changes to the bylaw to enable the community to memorialise their loved ones in ways that are culturally appropriate, in an environment that is welcoming and respectful. We are also proposing changes to improve the bylaw for accuracy, reflect modern management and cultural practices – while still maintaining respect for appropriate tikanga (customary practices).


Council is consulting on the intention to continue the current bylaw with the proposed changes. In compliance with the Local Government Act 2002, the Council provides two options for reflection.

Option one (preferred): Continue the bylaw with the proposed amendments
This option would include changes to improve the bylaw for accuracy, reflect modern management and cultural practices – while still maintaining respect for appropriate tikanga (customary practices).

Option two: Continue the bylaw with no amendments
This option would involve keeping the current bylaw without any amendments. This option would mean that opportunities for improvement identified through the review would not occur.

Tell us your thoughts on the proposal

The Council is seeking feedback on the review of the Bylaw from the community on the changes proposed above. Before making any final decisions, we’d like to have your input.

Next steps

Staff will collect and analyse all feedback at the close of the submission period.

The analysis of this feedback will be presented to the Community and Natural Environment Committee.

The Council will then consider all the views and make a decision on the Bylaw.