Rating Review 2018

Closed 30 Apr 2018

Opened 29 Mar 2018

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Hamilton City Council is proposing a change to the way rates are calculated and how they are divided up among ratepayers. These proposals would reduce the amount of rates existing ratepayers will pay by increasing the amount of rates the Council gets from those benefitting from growth, and those creating more costs to the Council because of growth.

This form is about getting your feedback on the proposed Rating Review to help Council make decisions.  Scroll down to make a submission at Have Your Say.

Read the Rating Review Statement of Proposal at hamilton.govt.nz/ratingreview2018

Need more information?
If you want to ask us a question about the Rating Review 2018 before you write your submission, you can contact us by email haveyoursay@hcc.govt.nz or by phone 07 838 6699.

If you want more detail on the proposals that underpin this document, supporting information can be found at hamilton.govt.nz/ratingreview2018

Please note:
Please be aware when providing a submission that all responses are part of the consultation process. This means that your name but not contact details may be reproduced and included in the Council’s public documents such as the Council agendas and minutes. These documents are available on the Council’s website at hamilton.govt.nz

What Happens Next?
After receiving submissions and hearing from the community, the Council will decide about the 10-Year Plan, including the rating review.

The 10-Year Plan will be effective from 1 July 2018 and will be based on the outcomes of this decision-making process.

What happens next

After receiving submissions and hearing from the community, the Council will decide about the 10-Year Plan, including the rating review.

The 10-Year Plan will be effective from 1 July 2018 and will be based on the outcomes of this decision-making process.