Open Space Provision Policy Review 2023

Closed 3 Oct 2023

Opened 5 Sep 2023

Feedback updated 21 May 2024

We asked

We asked you for feedback on the proposal to update the Open Space Provision Policy 2018.

Council proposed to make changes to this policy to reflect the changing urban environment of Hamilton Kirikiriroa.

The key changes proposed were:

  • to reduce the walking distance provision targets for neighbourhood and community parks within medium and high-density residential areas
  • the inclusion of a policy direction requiring Council to seek opportunities to acquire park land early within greenfield and emerging areas where possible.

You said

We received 21 responses. All submissions were made by individual respondents.

More respondents agreed with Council’s proposal to reduce walking targets (16, 76%) than those who disagreed (4, 19%). One respondent did not leave an answer.

When asked about the inclusion of a policy direction requiring Council to acquire park land early where possible, more respondents agreed with the proposal (17, 81%), than those who disagreed (3, 14%) with Council’s proposal. One respondent did not leave an answer.

We did

Based on your feedback of the proposed policy, the amendments were added and the policy was adopted with only two minor additional changes as suggested by Elected Members (made for clarification – and not considered significant). 


Hamilton City Council (Council) is seeking feedback on a proposal to update the Open Space Provision Policy 2018.

Summary of information
The current Open Space Provision Policy was adopted on 26 June 2018. This policy provides guidance to Council for the provision of public open space in Hamilton Kirikiriroa.

The purpose and scope of this policy is to guide:

  • Council in strategic planning and investment decisions on open space provision.
  • Council in its decision-making processes regarding opportunities to acquire or dispose of open space.
  • Open space provision in other plans and policies or specific development projects.

Why are we doing this?
This policy review was undertaken in response to changes that will impact the demand for open space across the city, in particular:

  • increasing population density in Hamilton Kirikiriroa
  • the adoption of new Council strategies
  • the increasing value of land.

Council is seeking feedback, and this is an opportunity to have your say on the proposed changes. The proposed policy showing tracked changes and current Policy can be veiwed under Related at the bottom of this page.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to Related heading to view current Policy and proposed Policy documents.

Council is proposing to make changes to this policy to reflect the changing urban environment of Hamilton Kirikiriroa.

The key changes proposed are:

  • To reduce the walking distance provision targets for neighbourhood and community parks within medium and high-density residential areas.
  • The inclusion of a policy direction requiring Council to seek opportunities to acquire park land early within greenfield and emerging areas where possible.

Reasons for the proposal
The outcomes we aim to achieve with these changes are:

  • That green spaces are within easy reach of all Hamiltonians, especially those in medium and high-density areas.
  • Where possible, buy land for parks early to reduce cost to the ratepayer and developers.

Tell us your thoughts on the proposal
Before making any final decisions, we’d like to have your input.

Next steps
Staff will collect and analyse all feedback at the close of the submission period.

The analysis of this feedback will be presented to the 21 November 2023 meeting of the Hearings and Engagement Committee. At this meeting, submitters who want to speak to their written submission will be able to do so.

Council will then consider all the views and make a decision on the Open Space Provision Policy.