Steele Park facilities upgrade

Closed 13 Dec 2020

Opened 13 Nov 2020

Feedback updated 22 Dec 2021

We asked

We encouraged our local businesses, park users, community groups, and Hamilton East residents to share their ideas for Steele Park and its facilities. We also wanted to know how to better celebrate the park’s history as Hamilton’s oldest park.

You said

Through the engagement, some key themes and insights emerged.

Our community’s feedback focused on:

  • Improving and upgrading the toilets and changing rooms.
  • Adding more seating and benches.
  • Adding different types of play spaces and opportunities.
  • Adding more picnic areas.
  • Improving safety and security through lighting.
  • Better reflecting Hamilton East’s heritage in the park.

We did

We are working on designs for Steele Park, incorporating our community’s feedback. These designs will be circulated with submitters for further feedback in 2022.


Hamilton City Council is responsible for providing safe recreational spaces for our community to enjoy and that meet their needs.

The community facilities at Steele Park – the public toilets, changing rooms and sports pavilion – are no longer fit for purpose and are due for renewal. We want to work with the Hamilton East community to make improvements.

This consultation is focused on encouraging local businesses, park users, community groups and Hamilton East residents to share their ideas for Steele Park. This includes how we can better celebrate the park’s history – Steele Park is Hamilton’s oldest park.

The questions are centered around the public amenities (changing rooms and public toilets), perceptions of safety, heritage ideas and whether there should be a liquor ban.

Your feedback will help shape the design for upgraded community facilities in Steele Park.