Funding Growth in Hamilton Kirikiriroa

Closed 21 Apr 2024

Opened 19 Mar 2024

Feedback updated 25 Jul 2024

We asked

Alongside our 2024-34 Long-Term Plan process, we reviewed our Development Contributions (DC) Policy and Growth Funding Policy. We asked Hamiltonians, our development community and key stakeholders for feedback on seven proposed changes in the revised DC Policy:

  1. Provide a remission of DCs of up to 100% for some development on Maaori customary and freehold land and for papakaainga on any land.
  2. Extend the DC remission in the central city (formerly the CBD remission) for a further three years but reduce the remission from 50% to 33%.
  3. Extend the current 100% high-rise remission of DCs for central city developments with six or more storeys for a three-year period.
  4. Revise the non-residential capped charges to only include commercial and retail development in neighbourhood centres. Also, increase the level of the proposed capped charges from those in the current DC Policy by $20,000 to reflect the increased cost of funding growth.
  5. Retain the existing social housing remission as a community housing remission and amend the eligibility criteria to include more targeted requirements and secure long-term benefits through binding agreement.
  6. Charge residential development a uniform flat stormwater charge for all dwellings, regardless of bedroom numbers or size of dwelling.
  7. Outline the factors Council considers when determining when to require a DC within the policy.

You said

During our community consultation period (19 March to 21 April 2024), key stakeholders and the wider community had an opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed changes to the DC Policy as well as minor changes to the Growth Funding Policy. Council staff met with developer groups and key stakeholder during and leading up to public consultation.  A total of 73 submissions were received, with a combination of feedback received on the draft DC Policy and draft Growth Funding Policy. Overall, respondents supported:

i. extending the central city remission for a further three years to 30 June 2027 but were divided on whether to reduce the percentage remission from 50% to 33%

ii. extending the 100% high-rise remission in the central city for a further three years to 30 June 2027

iii. amending the non-residential capped charges provisions to narrow their scope to include only commercial and retail neighbourhood centres as zoned in the District Plan, with caps increased to $50,000 and $60,000 respectively (excl. GST) per 100m2 of gross floor area

iv. amending the social housing remission criteria to ensure developments receiving the remission will remain social housing in perpetuity

v. amending the calculation basis for stormwater development contribution charges for all residential dwellings to be 1 Household Unit Equivalent (HUE)

vi. updates to the bedroom definition.

Overall, respondents did not agree with:

i. introducing a 100% Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 remission for Maaori customary and freehold land, and papakaainga on any land

ii. the updates in the DC Policy relating to the milestones at which DCs are required

iii. the draft DC charges and proposed increases

iv. the validity of the Schedule Of Assets (SOA).

Hearings to hear verbal submissions took place on 15 – 17 May, with 19 respondents from a range of organisations and two individuals requesting a speaking slot.

We did

Following consultation, Council approved several changes to the draft DC Policy at a 4 July 2024 meeting. The changes include phasing in the new DC charges over three years and to further cap residential charges in the Peacocke and Rotokauri growth cells.

Other amendments to the draft DC Policy include:

i. extending the central city remission for a further three years to 30 June 2027 at 50%

ii. extending the 100% central city high-rise remission for a further three years to 30 June 2027

iii. amending the community housing remission to include registered charitable trusts that deliver social housing, and remove the requirement for “in perpetuity” and instead specify a 20-year timeframe

iv. proceeding with a 50% remission to residential and commercial development on Maaori customary and freehold land, and papakaainga on any land

v. amending the non-residential charge caps criteria to include neighbourhood centres within Peacocke, and reduce the cap levels by $10,000 per 100m2 of gross floor area

vi. amending the residential stormwater charges such that one-bedroom dwellings (only) pay 0.5 Household Unit Equivalents (HUEs). All other dwellings pay 1 HUE.

The updated DC Policy and Growth Funding Policy became operative on 5 July 2024.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Development Contributions Policy and Growth Funding Policy 2024

Welcome/Nau mai

Hamilton Kirikiriroa is a fantastic river city and one of the fastest growing metros in New Zealand. We are now a city of 185,000 people and, in 10 years, we expect to be home to 215,000 people.

This growth will create exciting opportunities for our city but it also presents us with challenges, as we experience increased demand for core services, infrastructure and community facilities.

Hamilton City Council’s proposed 2024-34 Long-Term Plan doesn’t ignore these challenges. We are currently borrowing to pay for some everyday costs and our plan is to “balance the books” in 2026/27. During March and April, we are talking to the community about the key issues facing our city over the next 10 years. Your feedback is important.

Alongside our Long-Term Plan, we are also consulting on other policies which support the Plan and the wider vision and strategy for our city.  This includes our Development Contributions Policy (DC Policy) and our Growth Funding Policy. We want your views on the changes and updates we are recommending for both policies.

Our DC Policy sets out how we share the costs of growth in Hamilton between the development sector and the general ratepayer. Currently, we collect DCs for water, wastewater, stormwater, reserves, community infrastructure and transport activities. Based on the capital expenditure requirements in the proposed 2024-34 Long-Term Plan, the current DC charges for these activities are expected to increase.

In addition to these increases, there are a number of changes we are proposing to the current DC Policy which are explained further in the Consultation Document below.

Please note, the DC charges are indicative only and are subject to change. Charges will be finalised alongside the Long-Term Plan.

Our Growth Funding Policy directs Council’s decision-making for growth projects and associated infrastructure where those projects are not aligned with Council’s Long-Term Plan. It supports Council in making decisions about unfunded growth in a way that is affordable and fair to ratepayers. We are proposing to make amendments to the Policy.

  • We recommend you take the time to read the draft Development Contributions Policy and Growth Funding Policy Consultation Document 2024 to identify all changes and updates.
  • For information on the data we use to model DC charges, our policies and proposed changes/updates, are attached as supporting documents under the Related section at the bottom this page.

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Why your views matter

Once you’ve read through our proposals and looked at the options, we’d love to hear your views. You can comment on each of the proposals individually or give us your views on any other aspects of the policy.

Give us your feedback

  1. Have a query?
    If you would like clarification on any information in the Consultation Document, please email staff at
  2. Share your voice
    You can make an online submission on the following pages.

What’s next?

Alongside the 2024-34 Long Term Plan, consultation with the community on the Development Contributions Policy and Growth Funding Policy closes on the 21 April 2024 and verbal submissions will take place between 15 and 17 May 2024. Elected Members will discuss and review the feedback from the community between 4 and 6 June 2024.

Elected members are scheduled to adopt the 2024/25 Development Contributions Policy and the Growth funding Policy on 4 July 2024.