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169 results

  • Fairfield park - proposed reclassification

    Te Whare o te Ata Fairfield/Chartwell Community Centre Trust is looking to call Fairfield Hall home. For them to do this, Hamilton City Council is proposing that the area of Fairfield Park with the hall is reclassified from recreation reserve to local purpose (community facility) reserve under Section 24 of the Reserves Act 1977. This change would mean that the hall could be used for a much wider range of activities including sports, events, meetings and more. The Trust would be allowed... More
    Closed 14 March 2022
  • Further Submissions to Proposed Plan Change 5 – Peacocke Structure Plan

    Hamilton City Council publicly notified Plan Change 5 - Peacocke Structure Plan under the Resource Management Act on 24 September 2021 and submissions closed on Friday 5 November 2021. A summary of submissions and copies of the submissions are available and the period for further submissions is open from 16 February 2022. Further submissions must be lodged with Council by Wednesday 16 March 2022. Learn more about Peacocke, Hamilton's newest neighbourhood at ... More
    Closed 16 March 2022
  • Parks and open spaces survey 2022

    Welcome to Hamilton City Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Survey of 2022! In this survey, “Parks and Open Spaces” covers a range of areas and uses, including sports parks, destination parks, playrounds and reserves as well as river corridors, gully systems, peat lakes, wetlands and remnant indigenous vegetation along with gardens, walkways, and civic spaces. Generally, it can be split into green space (parks, playing fields, gullies), blue space (river corridors, wetlands)... More
    Closed 1 April 2022
  • Speed Management Plan Review 2022

    Hamilton City Council (Council) is seeking feedback on a proposal to make changes to the Hamilton Speed Management Plan to comply with recent legislative changes and a new national ‘certification’ process. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) is working on a new regulatory framework for speed management to improve how Road Controlling Authorities (RCA’s) plan for, consult on, and implement speed management changes. This process now... More
    Closed 14 April 2022
  • Paying for Growth : Development Contributions Policy Update 2022

    We’ve made some updates to our Development Contributions (DC) Policy and we want to know what you think! A growing city means we need new or upgraded services and facilities such as roads, neighbourhood parks and more water pipes. Council’s DC Policy sets out the costs to enable new development and growth in the city and how much of those costs are charged to developers. The charge on the developer is called a Development Contribution or ‘DC’. Council’s approach is to... More
    Closed 14 April 2022
  • Moving about the city: the Accessibility of Hamilton

    Kia ora, Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on our Disability Policy. We review our policy regularly and we would love to gather feedback both from those that are directly affected by our policy and their family members and carers. The feedback gathered here will inform any amendments to the policy as well as feed into the development of a wider Community Action Plan to support the ideas of the community. The current Council Disability Policy provides guidelines that... More
    Closed 26 April 2022
  • Playground Renewals survey

    Four neighbourhood playgrounds across Hamilton are due a refresh in accordance with Council’s playground renewals programme. In 2022-2023 the Council are focussing on playgrounds at the following parks. Bremworth Galloway Pygmalion Waiwherowhero We’re interested in the views of the local community who use these parks and want to make sure their voice is factored into the design of the playground within our renewal guidelines. This survey closes... More
    Closed 17 May 2022
  • Annual Plan 2022-23

    Hamilton City Council’s 2022-23 Annual Plan is the budget and work programme for Year 2 of the 2021-31 Long-Term Plan. The Annual Plan looks at how we can deliver and fund what we said we’d do, and need to do, in the upcoming financial year as part of the Long-Term Plan. It’s also a chance for us to check in to see if there are any changes we need to make, to address what’s happening in our community and the impact any external factors are having on our organisation.... More
    Closed 20 May 2022
  • Proposed Safer Speed Area –Mahoe Street Area (Melville)

    As part of our ongoing focus on safer streets for all, we’re proposing a speed limit change from 50kph to 40kph on all residential streets within the Mahoe Street area (in Melville). This proposed Safer Speed Area (SSA) is indicated on the map below. The SSA we are proposing here aligns with our Hamilton Speed Management Plan, which is about achieving safe and appropriate speeds to allow residential neighbourhoods to have a safe environment to live and play. A... More
    Closed 19 June 2022
  • Hamilton central city safety perceptions survey 2022

    Public safety is consistently identified as a high priority for the people of Hamilton. The Council is committed to the ongoing revitalising of Hamilton’s central city and aims for it to be a destination where people feel safe. To help ensure the actions and activities occurring are working, Council conducts an annual perceptions survey. The Council is keen to hear from both individuals who are regular visitors to the central city and also those who are not. We also want to... More
    Closed 30 June 2022
  • Consultation on Government’s Water Reform legislation

    A nationwide reform of how New Zealand manages drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater (the Three Waters) is being led by Government. The draft Water Services Entities Bill, one of several pieces of legislation that enables the reform, has now been made public. Government says the changes will mean future costs for ratepayers are less than they would be without reform, will protect the environment and public health, support housing and infrastructure development, and deliver services... More
    Closed 7 July 2022
  • Plan Change 9 - Historic Heritage and Natural Environments

    The submission period for Plan Change 9 has been extended through to Friday 2 September 2022. With the submission period being extended, those who have already made a submission are welcome to make an additional submission if they wish. As the demand for land and housing increases, it's crucial we strike the right balance between supporting development and protecting those things that have helped shape our city. Through Plan Change 9 we’re proposing changes to our District... More
    Closed 2 September 2022
  • Raymond Park Playground Renewal

    We want to know what you want at Raymond Park Playground! As part of the 2021-2024 10-Year Plan decisions, Council has committed funding to the improvement of playgrounds. We want to make sure your voice is factored into the design of the new playground, which currently has a basic modular unit with swings and seesaw installed in 2002. The new playground will be more up to date, providing fun within a safe yet challenging environment for our young explorers. We’d also... More
    Closed 15 September 2022
  • Tawa Park Playground Renewal

    We want to know what you want at Tawa Park Playground! As part of the 2021-2024 10-Year Plan decisions, Council has committed funding to the improvement of playgrounds. We want to make sure your voice is factored into the design of the new playground, which currently has a basic modular unit, swings and seesaw installed in 2005. Nearby Mahoe Park has musical items. The new playground will be more up to date, providing fun within a safe yet challenging environment... More
    Closed 15 September 2022
  • Nawton Domain Park Playground Renewal

    We want to know what you want at Nawton Domain Park Playground! As part of the 2021-2024 10-Year Plan decisions, Council has committed funding to the improvement of playgrounds. We want to make sure your voice is factored into the design of the new playground, which currently has a basic modular unit installed in 2004 with swings and a slide originally installed in 1980. Nearby Elliot Park features a skate park and a half-court. Destination Playground Dominion Park... More
    Closed 15 September 2022
  • Plan Change 12 - Enabling Housing Supply

    Based on central government direction, we’re proposing some changes to Hamilton’s District Plan, our ‘rule book’ for development, that might affect your property in Hamilton. These changes are called Plan Change 12 and have the potential to significantly change the look and feel of your neighbourhood. You can have your say on the proposed changes and make a formal submission until 30 September 2022. Why we are making these changes You might have heard, since 2020 central... More
    Closed 30 September 2022
  • Further submissions to Plan Change 9 - Historic Heritage and Natural Environment

    Hamilton City Council publicly notified Plan Change 9 – Historic Heritage and Natural Environment under the Resource Management Act on Friday 22 July 2022 and submissions closed on Friday 2 September 2022. A summary of submissions and copies of the submissions are available and the period for further submissions is open from Friday 28 October 2022. Further submissions must be lodged with Council by Friday 18 November 2022. Learn more about Plan Change 9 at ... More
    Closed 18 November 2022
  • Draft Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy

    We’re updating our plans for where, when and how Hamilton Kirikiriroa grows to enable more homes and jobs. This is called the Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy and we want to know what you think. Why are we doing this? The Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy was last updated in 2009. That Strategy set Rototuna as the primary greenfield growth area and the 50/50 infill to greenfield target ratio and we have achieved this goal. But since the last Strategy was adopted, a lot has... More
    Closed 20 November 2022
  • Further submissions to Plan Change 12 - Enabling Housing Supply

    We’re making some changes to Hamilton’s District Plan, the ‘rule book’ that guides development in our city. These changes will provide for more housing, and higher density housing, across the city. Plan Change 12 – Enabling Housing Supply was open for submissions in August and September. A summary of original submissions and copies of original submissions are now available and you can make a further submission. Learn more about Plan Change 12 at ... More
    Closed 12 December 2022
  • Private Plan Change 13 – Te Rapa Racecourse 

    Waikato Racing Club Incorporated have requested a change to Hamilton’s District Plan to rezone around 6ha of the Te Rapa Racecourse to allow for housing. The land is no longer required to operate the Club and provides an opportunity to contribute more housing to the city. The key changes include: Changing the zone from Major Facilities to Medium Density Residential to allow for a mix of housing. Change the zone from Major Facilties to Industrial for 1100m2 along Te Rapa... More
    Closed 15 March 2023
  • Trade Waste and Wastewater Bylaw review

    As part of the review of the Hamilton City Council Trade Waste and Wastewater Bylaw 2016 (the Bylaw), Hamilton City Council (Council) is seeking feedback on the proposal to continue the bylaw with minor changes: the inclusion of the Te Raa Aro ki a Matariki (Matariki Observed) as a public holiday the correction of two outdated references made to the Local Government Act 2002, and the Land Transfer Act 1952 section 10 was amended in 2019 to change the... More
    Closed 17 March 2023
  • 2023 Parks and Open Spaces survey

    Welcome to Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Survey of 2023! We want to know what you think about Hamilton’s parks and open spaces – your likes, dislikes, and what you want to see in future. Our parks and open spaces are special pockets of the city that allows us to explore, get creative with play, be active, and escape into nature. They’re also important to our ecology, providing a home for our native plants and animals. Parks and Open Spaces can generally be split... More
    Closed 4 April 2023
  • Private Plan Change 13 – Te Rapa Racecourse: further submissions

    Private Plan Change 13 – Te Rapa Racecourse was open for submissions in February and March this year. A summary of submissions and copies of original submissions are now available and you can make a further submission. (Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to Related heading to view these documents.) Waikato Racing Club Incorporated have requested a change to Hamilton’s District Plan to rezone around 6ha of the Te Rapa Racecourse to allow for housing. The land is no longer... More
    Closed 28 April 2023
  • 2023-24 Annual Plan

    Hamilton City Council's 2023-24 Annual Plan is the budget and work programme for Year Three of the 2021-31 Long-Term Plan. The Annual Plan looks at how we can deliver and fund what we said we'd do in the upcoming financial year in the Long-Term Plan. It's also a chance for us to check to see if there are any changes we need to make to address the impact of the economic pressures. We’re facing significant cost increases across the board primarily as a result of rising... More
    Closed 8 May 2023
  • Private Plan Change 15 – Tuumata

    Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) has requested a change to Hamilton’s District Plan to rezone about 68ha in the Ruakura Structure Plan to allow for housing. Plans have been made for about 1200 homes and will enable a range of home designs and pricing. More than a third of the 68ha site will be set aside as wetlands and swales to manage stormwater. Provision has also been made for a shopping centre, a supermarket and a primary school is proposed in the future. The Tuumata block is... More
    Closed 17 May 2023
  • Bolmuir Park/Forest Lake School Playground Renewal

    Bolmuir Park playground is being renewed as part of Council's 2021-2028 Long-Term Plan, and we want to hear your thoughts and feedback on the concept design. Council has been working with Forest Lake School, a neighbour of the park, who have been fundraising to upgrade the playground at their school. Because these playgrounds are close together, we had the unique opportunity to partner up and deliver a shared playground that can be used by the school and the local community. We've... More
    Closed 18 May 2023
  • Fairfield Skate Park Renewal

    We’re upgrading the skatepark in Fairfield Park and want your thoughts and ideas! Please fill out the survey, on the next pages, and let us know what you think works well and what you want to see changed or updated You can also drop in to our info day and share your thoughts in person! Have a chat with our team and tell us your top three things you want to see at the park. When: Sunday 21 May 2023 Time: midday until 2pm Where: Te Whare o Te Ata –... More
    Closed 21 May 2023
  • Proposed Safer Speed Area – Mears Road area (St Andrews)

    As part of our ongoing focus to make our streets safer for everyone, we’re proposing to change the speed limit from 50kph to 40kph on all residential streets within the Mears Road area (in St Andrews). This area is indicated on the map above. We would like to understand if there are any road safety concerns that you have related to this area to ensure that any changes made will help to address these. A copy of the Hamilton Speed Management Plan can be viewed at... More
    Closed 4 June 2023
  • Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy Review

    Hamilton City Council (Council) has reviewed its Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy and is recommending minor changes to the policy. We want your feedback on the proposed changes. Why are we doing this? The policy was first adopted in 2018 in consultation with the community and sets out the approach we will take to identify and deal with dangerous and insanitary buildings. The policy is focused on ensuring people can live and work in buildings without compromising their... More
    Closed 12 June 2023
  • Hayes Paddock neighbourhood changes

    Tell us what to do … Exciting changes are coming to the intersection of Jellicoe Drive and Plunket Terrace to make this a safer and more accessible neighbourhood for everyone. These changes will enhance Hayes Paddock’s reputation as Hamilton’s best walkable and recreational neighbourhood destination. Change one = road layouts Change two = new community space More
    Closed 16 June 2023
169 results. Page 5 of 6